Volunteer Spotlight: Mike Casey

Volunteer Spotlight: Mike Casey

Posted by admin-dln, With 0 Comments, Category: Meet a Volunteer, Tags: ,

For the last six years Mike has been a volunteer tutor with Dartmouth Learning Network. Here's what he has to say about his time with us.

One of the key ways we can give people a chance to improve their lives is to help them to further their education. I came from a family that had very high expectations regarding education. Given the way the world is changing, if you don’t have a minimum of Grade 12 and a certificate of some kind or another, it’s hard to be fully employed and financially secure.

The real thing that I enjoy about volunteering as a tutor at Dartmouth Learning is seeing people open up opportunities for themselves by getting a better future that comes with completing their course of studies. When you help someone improve his situation in life by furthering his education, you have, in effect, changed the world in a small way.

For example, one young fellow who I was with for 3 years was awarded a national prize for his efforts. He has now gained full time employment and is well on his way to finding his place in the world.

~ Mike Casey

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