How Learning Changed My Life – A Learner Success Story by Colette R.

How Learning Changed My Life – A Learner Success Story by Colette R.

Posted by admin-dln, With 0 Comments, Category: Meet a Learner,

In September 2017, I returned to school after 26 years. I was very nervous at first, but I knew it was what I needed to do to have a better future for my children and myself. I pushed myself each day, especially on days where the easiest thing to do was to just stay home. I met so many amazing people along this journey and I have made some lifelong friends. I love both of my classes and all of the students are amazing. I always enjoy Thursday afternoons when Trish has her 1A class. Seeing that group brightens my day.

Since returning to school, I realized things about myself that I had underestimated. After not working for 9 years, I now have a part-time job that I love. The people I work with and the regular customers make my job that much easier to do.

All these things and changes have helped with my self esteem tremendously. I definitely have people to thank for being so supportive and making me feel like I could accomplish anything I set out to do. The wonderful staff at DLN, Tyler, Karen, Alison, of course, my awesome Math/Science teacher Brent - he has taught me so much. Amanda, for all she has done to get me ready for this piece I am writing, as well as so many other things. Trish, well, she was the first teacher I had when I started at DLN. From day one, she made me want to be there. She has a beautiful heart and soul. I am forever grateful to all of them for everything they have done and continue to do for me. My family, my children, my amazing friends and an incredible man by my side - he inspired me to take this step. He knew my worth and he believed in me, when I did not. I am truly blessed. It honestly feels amazing. I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for me. I am more motivated now, then I have ever been.

My goals for the future are to complete my GED. I would like to do something that allows me to work in the health field in some way, to help people who need it. I know that I will continue to work hard and stay focused. I want my children and grandchildren to learn from my past mistakes, and also show that even though I waited so long to go back to learning, anything is possible. I am proof that you can do it. And YOU are in control of what choices you make in life. Giving up is not an option. It’s amazing what faith, hard work, dedication and determination can do. Returning to school was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As long as you believe in yourself and make the effort, great opportunities can come to you and change your life.

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