Dartmouth Learning Network invited to attend Premier’s Roundtable on July 10, 2013
, With 0 Comments, Category: News,Left to Right: Dana Atwell, Chair of the Board of Directors, Dartmouth Learning Network Premier Darrell Dexter Lesley Dunn, Executive Director, Dartmouth Learning Network
The Dartmouth Learning Network was thrilled to be asked to participate in Premier Darrell Dexter’s Roundtable on July 10, 2013 prior to his attendance at the Council of the Federation of Premiers meeting in two weeks which he chairs.
Topics Covered Included:
- EI Changes (very applicable to DLN)
- Canada Job Grant (another area of interest for DLN)
- Expression of Interest Model-Immigration Changes (somewhat of an interest area when it comes to the work we do with ESL learners)
- Changes to the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (very applicable to us as we try to get our learners attached to the labour market)
A major focus for DLN right now is the Proposed Canada Job Grant and its impact on literacy and essential skills programs.
DLN went prepared with a full briefing package representing not only ourselves but also the interests of the 27 community learning organizations working together under the umbrella group of The Association of Nova Scotia Community Learning Organizations (ANSCLO). We were also able to provide those in attendance with a snapshot of the very preliminary data from our current survey on business awareness of CJG.
Our Press Release for this was picked up by the Daily Business Buzz
The Premier’s office has asked that we put together another interim report on the Business Awareness Survey regarding the Canada Job Grant for end of next week that can be incorporated into his notes for the Council of the Federation of Premiers.
We have just passed the 50 day mark in our attempts to be included in a Federal Canada Job Grant roundtable, we have not been contacted by any member of Minister Finley’s office. Premier Darrell Dexter responded to our request within 24 hours with a date and time to meet. We are grateful someone is listening to our concerns.
Yours in literacy and learning,
Lesley Dunn
DLN Executive Director