Literacy & the Budget Day Blues

Literacy & the Budget Day Blues

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So Minister Flaherty with your new Roots shoes

Please don’t share with us budget day blues

We look forward to hearing there’s national support

To ensure low literate adults do not come up short


There have been promises made and research galore

Yet literacy rates remain the same as before

How can it be in a country so fine

48% of adults fall below the acceptable line.


So Minister Flaherty is it good news you’ll bring

A substantial investment in adult learning

Or will we continue the same as before

Where the cycle of poverty receives another encore


If we know what it takes to bring about change

When change doesn’t happen who’ll accept blame

Certainly not the learner who struggles for help

Or the community learning organizations operating under tightened belts


So Minister Flaherty how will the future unfold

For so many Canadians who may not be so bold

To step into the light and away from the shame

To acknowledge their hurt and continual pain


We do not ask much and we’re willing to work hard

To continue our role as the literacy watch guard

Please help us ensure there is a beacon of light

For being unable to read is a desperate plight


So Minister Flaherty please hear our plea

To ensure all Canadians are treated fairly

Literacy and work go hand in hand

It’s important for all Canadians to understand.


Yours in Literacy and Learning,

Lesley Dunn

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